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Jet lag is over, and we’ve hit the groud running this June

Hello folks, wow, what a crazy last couple of weekends I’ve had. Been home for almost as long as I was gone now, and the jet lag is over. But I’m still tired. You cannot play a rockstar-like pizza cook on weekends and not feel like a rockstar-like pizza cook sunday morning, who stays up way to late three nights in a row after long shifts behind the peel, toiling over a 900° hell hole at three different locations. man, wrecked is a good word to describe me, and my stuff.

This week’s Bites on Broadway was good, slightly less attended and way more manageable than the Premier event last Friday. Last Friday was total chaos, and like a few other people have written, it probably sucked for a lot of folks. It was awkward on the side street for sure, and a lot of us really didn’t know what to expect. We did have some technical issues just days before and it was cancelled for a minute, so I was kind of like well lets just see what happens. I almost went solo, because i was having trouble lining up a crew to work. I still didn’t have anyone and it was Friday morning. In my head i was like yeah I’ll need one person at least, you know 200-300 people may come out, that’s fairly easy split across five vendors, and I need assistance. Thank goodness I got lolita to come in at the last minute. We were SLAMMED, from about 6 pm on, till I said I only had about 7 pizzas left around 8:15 or so. I looked around and realized we were the last van standing, everyone already sold out. 600+ people cleaned us out in just over two hours. wow.

Time to pack it all up and head to Sacred wheel in the morning for another Second Saturday. But better stop off at Dogwood and see who’s hanging around first before heading home. not always the wisest choice. Saturday morning was a tough one, but it was sunny and warm and i was outside, back in front of the oven. Workin till 4 pm, then its off to the Orchard with Steve for a thank you dinner and party with good friends who’ve just completely redone their house. Another late night caps the weekend. Rest, reload, and get ready for June 17th…

There were still hundreds of people in attendance at this week’s Bites on broadway, and I was ready with 69 pies and two assistants. We didn’t really get much of a line this time, but we did have a steady stream of happy eaters, and nobody was turned away. I got to break in a new assistant on the turn or burn station, Rebecca from Seattle. Met her thursday at Bar Dogwood, hanging with Damon from the Heathens, and she says she’s lookin for work. I’m like, I got work for ya. I think I have burned out all of my friends on taking shifts, so its time to start looking outside the circle. She proved solid, and came out yesterday to help with the First MacArthur Garage Brew/pizza party which was also hugely successful. My friend Kevin brews his own and has set up a tasting garage at his house. Pretty sweet. I pulled up around 3 pm, and we got the party going by 4:20, serving up mouth watering selections from my brain. Hot Coppa with Shallots and lil hot red peppers, finished with Basil, and for the veggie heads, we did Mushrooms with Dino Kale and sun dried tomato on the red sauce. yum. We ended the night with a few special sample treats, with the Blueberry balsamic reduction, goat cheese, arugula and coppa. That went fast!

So, where do you wanna go? Disco Volante? allright. I’ll take you there, no, no just one drink this time. That never works. DJ Platurn and company were in the house spinning great sets of 45’s, the music was a bit loud, but the beer was cold and the seats were comfy. One drink, famous last words. I found myself at my bedside by 2:40 I think. I still don’t know where all that time goes…

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